After much thought about what I wanted for Christmas this year, I decided the deepest desire of my heart was to be a part of the season of giving. With that in mind, I bring you the things I would like Santa to bring my friends. (And a few notable famous people as well, just for good measure.)
Cindy Ford- A one-way plane ticket to Utah, so that she can leave the God forsaken country of Korea behind forever. Also the ability to follow through with appointments to chat.
Janna Siler- Nate Archibald in an Armani suit. Now I’m not even gay, but one or two drinks and I might even consider….. Wait, did I really just type that? Moving on.
Aaron Makdo- Great leaping ability, so that he can continue to jump on every bandwagon that comes along in professional sports.
Tiger Woods- A great retroactive prenup. Turns out if Tiger would have just kept the driver in the bag, he would have won more that just a few more majors.
Katie Duncan- An everpresent song lyric teleprompter. Also a giant bong so that she would be irresistable to Michael Phelps.
Kevin Tame- A title for one of his Seattle sports teams. At the very least, Seattle has been passed by Washington DC as the most pathetic sports town in America. That counts for something, right? And while we’re at it, may Howard Shultz, the CEO of Starbucks that sold the Sonics knowing they would be moved to Oklahoma City, fall from a 30 story building onto a bicycle with no seat.
Deanna Roark- To have access to a time warp machine that will let the next year and a half pass by in the blink of an eye, so she can be released from her Teach for America indentured servitude.TFA ruins lives. I also wish she had a plane ticket to Utah.
Jill Crane- The desire to practice law. If that doesn’t work, a rich husband that would make it so she doesn’t have to. And more bowling trophies and intramural championship t-shirts.
Aaron Rodgers and Randy Moss- A vicious beating followed by terrorists forcing them to watch the WNBA on loop for an entire year. You thought I was over the Fantasy Football collapse from last week? Not so much.
Rachel Quada- An endless supply of annoying EFY friends to take up her time and keep her from her much cooler friends. Wait a second. She already has that? Oh. Lets just go with Chuck Bass and an endless supply of diet coke in his G5.
Megan Shirk- Dozens of babies without having to put up with the grossness that is living with a man. Also, a competitive, sports loving guy with endless amounts of witty banter to be bffs with in nyc.
Tony John- Sleep in the upcoming year. Good luck.
Rachel Bodily- More clout at Georgetown, so she can get me into their law school. And a copy of Love Actually.
Tony Capone- An easy final semester of law school followed by a passing score on the bar exam. I also wish him the ability to cope with another Mets collapse in the upcoming season.
Barack Obama- The foresight never to visit Provo, Utah.
Dustin Currie- A vampire bite, so he won’t actually have to turn 30 next year.
Bethanie and Randon Tagg- A baby for Beth so she can quit her job. For Randon, a big screen TV so he can avoid the baby and stay caught up on sports.
Ben Jones- Fashion sense, lipo, and a new car. I’m just kidding. Ben already has a nice car.
Shannon Mehner- A new, red Ralph Lauren puffy coat so she can give me back the one she’s been borrowing for two years. And season tickets to the Cubs.
Collin Cummings- A continuous stream of creative ideas and infinite investment capital to get them going.
Jessica Alba- Me
Blake Griffin (not the famous one)- A tard free job, and a lifetime membership to blockbuster.
Lauren and Aaron Purcell- The desire to have their friends over for dinner more often and an immunity to the freezing bay area weather that they will shortly be faced with.
Logan Holman- Better looking girls in your singles ward. Can’t even make any jokes about that one. I’m praying for you.
Lauren Anderson- An endless supply of trails to bike, races to run, and mountains to climb.
Mark Skinner- That girl’s number from Red Robin a few weeks ago. Wait, maybe I just want that for myself. She was hot. I hope Mark finds a girl almost as hot.
Valerie Funk- A job in SLC and enough free time to listen to three volumes worth of scary stories.
Todd Richardson- A divorce from the horrible wench that is TFA. I’ll be a character witness if you need one in the settlement hearings.
Amy Sue Wilson- A buyer for her winter contract and feet that don’t even get remotely cold.
That's my list. If I missed anyone, better luck next year. Travel safe, and Merry Christmas!
2024 :: week 26
7 months ago
Could I maybe get in on T. Capone's passing of the bar? Desire or no, I won't be able to practice unless I do.
Nate Archibald. Yummy.
Chuck Bass. Even yummier.
i not only want a plane ticket to utah, but i want youuuuuu tah be here in arkansas. okay, maybe it wouldn't actually be that exciting...i will continue dreaming anyway, and dreaming that t.i. is released from prison in a few months hungry for more that forrest city has to offer. miss you! merry xmas!
D- I would like Tim Riggins too. Thanks.
you already have 5 comments on this post, so I thought about not adding to that, but i had to commend you for your selfless Christmas spirit.
it's like you get off on being withholding.
How did you know that's just what I wanted! You're so sweet.
Catching up on my blogs...Thanks for the baby wishes!
And probably you should fulfill your own Christmas wish and be my sports loving NY BFF. no?
I hope you get a map to my house to visit and my phone number to call your old pal once in awhile.
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